Monthly Archives: February 2014

ABC Dailies for Friday, February 21

Mrs. Lanigan had us color stars, big ones and little ones.  Coloring is a great activity to strengthen our small-motor skills as  well as help our hand-eye coordination! Mrs. Jill played our new favorite game: The Alphabet Maze.  Using our alphabet circles, we take turns jumping to the letters Mrs. […]

ABC February News Letter

IMPORTANT DATES: VALENTINE’S PARTY WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12TH 9:30-11:30 CAMELOT CLOSED FOR PRESIDENT’S DAY, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17TH PAJAMA DAY (WEAR YOUR PAJAMAS TO SCHOOL) THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27TH This month, Mrs. Jill will start the yearly evaluation process with each child individually. This takes a bit of time; you will have the […]