Pre-K and Kindergarten will be holding a cookie exchange on Tuesday, December 16th.  All students are encouraged to participate, as it is a way of sharing and trying new things.  Please help your child bake two dozen cookies to share with their friends.

This brings hands-on education into the home.  Baking is a great way to teach basic math.  It also improves your child’s hand-eye coordination and ability to follow directions.

Due to a severe peanut allergy in our class, nuts of any type are prohibited.  Please attach to your cookies a list of all ingredients so we can keep children safe from various food allergies.

If your child does not attend Camelot on Tuesdays, you may drop off your cookies on Monday, December 15th.  We will fill their bag with the cookies for them and place it in their cubby.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mrs. Jill.