Daily Archives: March 6, 2015

Friday the 6th in Kindergarten

We had a very productive morning. Guided reading, math flash cards, a worksheet about weight, journal writing, AND we read 2 stories and answered questions about the stories. We also squeezed in a bit of playtime with our friends.  Lunch today was fish sticks, french fries, applesauce, carrots, pineapple, and […]

Friday the 6th in Pre-K

We made rocking roosters to finish off R week.  We also did an R worksheet and had an interesting show and tell. Our list of R words is very long! We will be playing in the snow while it lats so don’t forget snow gear for Monday. Lunch today was […]

Friday the 6th in the ABC class

Today was a double project day! We made Rainbow Fish and read  Rainbow Fish books as well as reading Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See and making brown bears. The bears are in cubbies but the fish are going to decorate the room for a bit. Don’t forget […]