Thursday December 17th in the 123’s

Today in the 123’s we had some fun with candy canes! We used red paper strips to make a candy canes and we each got to take a small piece! I documented who liked the candy cane, located above the cubbies. We read “The Candy Cane Adventure” and discussed the events in the story! We made a Christmas wish list with Miss Coco and colored it for our parents! We sang, “Where is Santa” and used our Santa beards as we sang the song! For lunch we had turkey nacho cups, corn, bananas, apples carrots and olives.
FYI- Tomorrow night is Carols by FlashLight! If you did not receive a paper about this event, there are extras attached to the cork board right inside the door!
Also Next Wednesday is our Camelot Christmas Party and Santa visit, please see me with any questions.