Wednesday February 10th in the ABC’s

This morning our friends had lots of fun in gym class with Mrs. Susan. During circle time we went over calendar, used flash cards to review our letters and read “Curious George’s First Valentine”. We also enjoyed singing our favorite song, “Johnny Has 5 Hammers”. With Miss Cara we decorated bags with crayons, stickers and foam shapes to use for our Valentine bags. In Miss Asim’s group the children completed a letter P worksheet, they first traced the letter then practiced writing it on their own. They also completed a floating heart worksheet where they were asked to cut along the lines. With Miss Casiey they children free play. For lunch we had sandwiches,veggie sticks, noodle soup, carrots, cucumbers, blueberries and bananas. Have a great evening!

*Don’t forget our valentines party is this Friday the 12th from 9:30-10:30!