Friday March 4th in the ABC’s

Happy birthday Dr. Seuss! Today we celebrated Dr. Seuss’s birthday by singing happy birthday, reading his books and doing different Dr. Seuss activities. During circle time we read “Green Eggs And Ham”. With Mrs Lanigan the children had a green eggs and ham taste test for snack and also enjoyed table top toys. In Miss Cara’s group we made a graph of who liked and did not like the green eggs and ham. We also made our own green eggs and ham for our project. We used paper plates, pre-cut eggs, then used crayons to draw the ham. We also enjoyed using the new puzzles that Miss Cara got. With Mrs Asim the children completed a rhyming worksheet, they were show one picture on the left then asked to circle the picture on the right that it rhymes with. They also practiced tracing and/or writing their names. Before lunch we read “Hop On Pop” and “The Foot Book” and discussed the different rhyming words in the book. We did not have gymnastic today because Mrs Susan is away we will have it again next week. For lunch we had our choice of sandwiches, veggie sticks, yogurt, bananas and raisins. Have a great evening!