Monthly Archives: April 2016

Wednesday April 13th in the 123’s

What an exciting day in the 123’s! We started our morning building tents and playing in them! Everyone had so much fun hiding out and being silly. Miss Susan made us a yummy smores snack! Miss Sara read us a special story that Hannah shared with us, her Uncle wrote […]

Tuesday April 12th in the ABC’s

Today during circle time we made a list of words that begin with Ww. We read “Ice Cream Cows and Mitten Sheep”. We also created a chart of our favorite ice cream flavor. With Miss Cara we made ice cream cones! We used pre cut cones, then used shaving cream […]

Tuesday April 12th in the 123’s

Today in the 123’S we learned a fun silly song called “We all Scream for Ice Cream!”. We discussed our favorite ice cream flavors and toppings! For our project we painted with a shaving cream and glue mixture to resemble either chocolate, strawberry or vanilla ice cream! This afternoon we […]

Monday April 11th in the 123’s

Today in the 123’s we had so much fun! We started our morning by showing off our hats to each other! When we split into groups Miss Sara and Miss Nicole helped to make necklaces with the children! and Miss Casey gave the other group snack! Next, Miss Nicole had […]

Monday April 11th in the ABC’s

Wow what a busy morning we had. This week we are celebrating your child for “Week of the Young Child”. Today was crazy hat day and art extravaganza! During circle time we introduced the letter of the week, Ww and number 2 this week. I asked my friends to name […]

Friday, April 8th in the 123’s

Today in the 123’s we read it one of my favorite stories The Very Hungry Catapillar. We also learned a new fingerplay Five little Butterflies. Miss Nicole had a making Catapillar’s out of Play dough. Miss Sara painted our hands to make a Catapillar similar to the one story. For […]

Friday April 8th in the ABC’s

Happy Friday! Today during circle time we read “Fredrick”. We talked about April Showers and the crazy weather that keeps changing since it started sleeting while we were outside. We learned a springtime song. We also finished making our list of Vv words. With Miss Cara we made handprint flowers. […]

Thursday April 7th in the 123’s

Today in the 123’s we started our morning with reading the story “In the Spring” we discussed all the spring changes occurring throughout the story conparing them to what’s changing in our town. We worked with Miss Sara to make caterpillar patterns. Mr Mike came to sing some songs and […]

Wednesday April 6th in the 123’s

Today in the 123’s we learned about butterflies! We discussed when butterflies are commonly seen and things they like such as flowers. We viewed pictures of serveral different butterflies and discussed their wings! We worked on assembling magnet butterflies and finding the matching wings. For our project we made a […]

Wednesday April 6th in the ABC’s

Today during circle time we read “My Letter V Book” and discussed the sound the letter Vv makes. We talked about how the month of April is considered to be a very rainy month, “April showers…”. With Miss Cara we made rain clouds using a cloud template and cotton balls. […]