Monthly Archives: May 2016

Wednesday May 18th in the 123’s

Today in the 123’s we had so much fun using our sense of hearing! We filled glasses with glasses with different water levels and used a metal spoon to gently tap the sides. We discovered that they make different sounds, louder and softer depending on the water level. We introduced […]

Wednesday May 18th in the ABC’s

This morning we discussed the different types of tools and materials that artist use. Yesterday with Miss Cara we learned that Michelangelo is not just a ninja turtle but also a famous artist who painted on ceilings. We had fun using crayons and butcher paper that was taped under the […]

Tuesday May 17th in the 123’s

Today in the 123’s it was all about pictures pictures and more pictures!! Everyone did fabulous! I can’t wait to see them when they come in- should take 2-4 weeks. Anyways, we squeezed in a little time to discuss our sense of hearing! We worked on a simple worksheet. We […]

Monday May 16th in the 123’s

Today in the 123’s we Started discussing our sense of hearing! We discussed the many sounds we hear throughout our day such as birds, airplanes, friends talking etc. We discussed how we use our ears for listening! We each made our own listening ears and choose which color we wanted […]

Monday May 16th in the ABC’s

Happy Monday! This morning during circle time we introduced our theme for the week, famous artist and number 7. Today we focused on Andy Warhol and learned that many of his works are considered pop art. We read “I Ain’t Gonna Paint No More” by Karen Beaumont. With Miss Cara […]

Friday May 13th in the ABC’s

Happy Friday! With Miss Cara we ended our week of flowers and gardening by doing some planting. Each group got to choose what they wanted to plant. We planted tomatoes, green beans and flowers. Everyone got to help scope the dirt into the pots and water what they planted. We […]

Friday May 13th in the 123’s

Today in the 123’s we started our morning with playing a memory game using different classroom items! We used dot markets to make the first letter of our names! Our friends have been very excited about learning their letters! We practiced drawing the letter in our sand bucket! We reviewed […]

Thursday May 12th in the 123’s

Today in the 123’s we continued our discussion on our sense of sight. We played I Spy in small groups, our friends loved making guesses about the item we were spying! We had music class with Mr Mike and had some time to explore outside with our binoculars and magnifying […]

Wednesday May 11th in the ABC’s

Today we discussed the different parts of the flower and learned a song to help teach us the different parts called “Parts of the Plants” sung to the tune of head, shoulders, knees and toes. We read “Many Luscious Lollipops” a book that talked about using descriptive words. With Mrs […]

Wednesday May 11th in the 123’s

Today in the 123’s we used our sense of sight to play a color search game. Our friends were each instructed to find a certain color object and bring it back to the group. Once everyone found their piece we made a rainbow using the objects! We also had a […]