Today in the 123s we began our day by swimming!
Once we finished swimming we all say down to do project. Before we started project Miss. Jackie read Rainbow Fish to the Rescue to all of the 123s. In our story it talked about how the rainbow fish wouldn’t let striped fish play with them because they didn’t have a shiny scale. We discussed as a class how it isn’t nice to be mean to someone just because of their appearance. After we finished our story Miss. Nicole and Miss Jackie helped the 123s make their very own rainbow fish! In the afternoon we will be splashing and playing in the water slide that Mrs. Susan set up for us!
Today for lunch we had meatballs, fresh baked rolls, pickles, peaches, carrots, turkey slices, corn, watermelon and Miss. Caisey’s homemade pasta salad!
Happy Friday! Enjoy your weekend!