Monthly Archives: October 2016

Thursday October 13th in the ABC’s

Today during circle time we read “Pancakes, Pancakes!” We discussed why it’s important to eat healthy and that junk food and sweets should be eaten in moderation. We learned a song called “Carrots, Peas and Broccoli”. We also began making a list of words that begin with the letter Ee. […]

Tuesday October 11th in the ABC’s

This morning we welcomed our new friend Mackenzie to our ABC class! Today with Miss Cara we began talking about healthy and unhealthy foods. We discussed why it’s important to eat fruits and vegetables. For our project we made fruit and vegetable people. We identified each fruit and vegetable we […]

Monday October 10th in the ABC’s

What an exciting day we had today! We had a very special visit this morning from Riley’s dad and the Hopewell Fire Department! Before the fire department came we reviewed some of our fire safety tips and rules. We sang our 9-1-1 song and discussed when and how to stop, […]

Friday October 7th in the ABC’s

Happy Friday! This morning with Miss Cara we reviewed our chart of words that begin with the letter Dd. We learned a finger-play called “10 Little Fire fighters” and also learned a poem called “Firemen”. We did our morning stretches which involved getting our arms and legs moving, touching our […]

Thursday October 6th in the ABC’s

Today we discussed the different tools and equipment firemen use and need when fighting a fire. With Miss Cara we made paper plate firemen hats. We painted the hats red then added a badge. During circle time we went over calendar and read “David Goes To School”. We also talked […]

Tuesday October 4th in the ABC’s

Today with Miss Cara the children continued talking about fire safety. We read “Firehouse Dog” during circle time. We discussed the number to call in case of a fire or an emergency, 911. We also learned a song called “9-1-1”. We learned that Dalmatians are typically the type of dogs […]

Monday October 3rd in the ABC’s

This morning during circle time we introduced our theme for the week, fire safety and the letter Dd. We discussed how September is over and that a new month has officially begun, October. We read “Curious George Goes to the Fire Station”. We discussed different fire safety tips and what […]