Monthly Archives: February 2017

Tuesday February 21st in Pre-K

We hope you enjoyed the 3 day weekend, wasn’t the weather fantastic. I heard that Camelot was well represented at Rosedale Park playground, wish I had been there! Today we talked about President George Washington and made pretzels. We also had a fire drill and did gymnastics in the afternoon. […]

Tuesday February 21st in the ABC’s

I hope everyone enjoyed the nice long weekend! This morning with Miss Cara we talked about Presidents Day. We discussed who our current president is, how long their term in office is and what they do. We also talked about George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. We made George Washington and […]

Friday the 17th in Pre-K

We enjoyed an AMAZING CONCERT preformed by TCNJ music teachers in training today! The musicians played the keyboard, flutes, drums, trumpet and sang too! We joined in on a few of the songs and did a great job.  We also worked on pattern sheets and got to play outside a […]

Friday February 17th in the ABC’s

This morning we celebrated Aaron’s 4tj birthday with cupcakes, happy birthday Aaron! With Miss Cara we discussed our teeth, the foods that are good and bad for them and the dentist. We read “The Tooth Fairy” and sang a song about brushing our teeth. For our project we made Popsicle […]