Monday March 6th in the ABC’s

Since I was out sick last week we will continue celebrating Dr. Seuss’s birthday and the many wonderful books he wrote. We will also continue working on letter Ss this week. Today with Miss Cara we read “One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish” by Dr. Seuss. We discussed the beginning letter of fish, F, and made fish for our project. With Miss Abbie the children ate snack and practiced tracing the letter Ss. The children also enjoyed music class with our new music teacher Miss Maurietta! Have a great evening!

*All cots were wiped down and sanitized this morning, and all of the cot sheets were washed and dried on high heat. As a precaution we are asking that you please bring all of your child’s nap things home this evening and place them in the dryer on high heat and they may be brought back tomorrow. Thank you!