Monthly Archives: March 2017

Friday March 17th in the ABC’s

What a fun and busy day we had! We started our morning by celebrating Brock’s 4th birthday with a special lego jello treat and juice boxes, Happy birthday Brock! We were then shocked to see what the tricky leprechaun did to our classroom … we had to clean up hos […]

Wednesday, March 15th in Pre-K

Today we identified Q words, did the calendar and read “Biscuit Finds a Friend” (The friend says quack) with Mrs. Denise. With Miss Jessica we played in the snow and played a bean bag game. With Mrs. Susan we did gymnastics and with Miss Claire we did a Q worksheet.

Thursday March 16th in the ABC’s

This morning with Miss Cara we read “There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Clover”. We discussed graphing and used lucky charm marshmellows to graph with. We also learned a few leprechaun songs and finger plays, “5 Little Leprechauns” and “Have You Seen A Leprechaun?”. With Miss Nicole the […]

Wednesday March 15th in the ABC’s

This morning with Miss Cara we began making a list of words that begin with Tt and discussed the sound the letter Tt makes. We also made marbled shamrocks for our project. With Miss Nicole the children ate snack and used scissors to complete a St. Patrick’s Day coloring sheet. […]

Monday, March 13th in Pre-K

It was all Q today. We wrote Q’s in shaving cream with Miss Bridget. We wrote the letters Q and U and drew Q things like our friend Quinn, queens, quails and quills on whiteboards with Mrs. Susan. With Miss Jessica we did yoga before we went outside to play.

Monday March 13th in the ABC’s

This morning with Miss Cara we talked about shamrocks and clovers. We talked about looking for clovers outside and how four leaf clovers are lucky because they are hard to find. We made shamrocks for our project and used green tissue paper to decorate them. We also reviewed the proper […]