Monthly Archives: March 2017

Friday March 10th in Pre-K

Today in Mrs. Denise’s group we read “Pirates Go to School” and made postcards. In Miss Jessica’s group we practiced yoga. For snack we had plums and pretzels. As a whole group we practiced singing some songs and learned “roll over”. Stay warm this weekend!

Friday March 10th in Pre-K

Today in Mrs. Denise’s group we read “Pirates Go to School” and made postcards. In Miss Jessica’s group we practiced yoga. For snack we had plums and pretzels. As a whole group we practiced singing some songs and learned “roll over”. Stay warm this weekend!

Friday March 10th in the ABC’s

Happy Friday! This morning with Miss Cara we read “Oh The Places You’ll Go” by Dr. Seuss. We made slime for the letters S and had so much fun squishing it between our fingers. We also did some stretching and yoga moves. With Miss Nicole the children used watetcolors to […]

Thursday March 9th in Pre-K

Today in Mrs. Denise’s room we did calendar, read “A Pocket for Corduroy”, designed our own PJ’s and made air popped popcorn for snack! In Mrs. Lanigan’s group we completed a letter “P” phonics activity. In Miss Jessica’s group the children made police hats. We sure had fun playing in […]

Thursday March 9th in the ABC’s

This morning with Miss Cara we read “Fox in Socks”. We made silly socks for our project using markers, colored pencils and Pom-poems. We also discussed how the word sock begins with S. With Miss Nicole the children ate snack and worked on a rhyming word worksheet and writing their […]

Wednesday March 8th in Pre-K

In Mrs. Denise’s group they read “Planes” based on the Disney movie and completed a maze. We also worked on calendar and our list of “P” words. In Mrs. Lanigan’s group the children cut out pictures that began with P. In Miss Emily’s group the children made pirate ships. We […]

Wednesday March 8th in the ABCs

This morning with Miss Cara we read “Put Me in the Zoo”. We talked about the different types of animals that we see at the zoo and which ones are our favorite! We learned a movement song called “If I Ran the Zoo” and another song called “We’re Going to […]

Monday March 6th in the ABC’s

Since I was out sick last week we will continue celebrating Dr. Seuss’s birthday and the many wonderful books he wrote. We will also continue working on letter Ss this week. Today with Miss Cara we read “One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish” by Dr. Seuss. We discussed […]