Monthly Archives: April 2017

Thursday April 13th in the ABC’s

We had another fun filled day today! With Miss Cara we read “Tjr Runaway Bunny” during circle time. We made brown bag bunny puppets for our project. With Miss Nicole the children ate snack, decorated foam eggs and completed an Easter egg line tracing and coloring sheet. With Miss Bridget […]

Wednesday April 12th in the ABC’s

What a fun and busy morning we had! With Miss Cara we read “Some Bunny Loves You”. We made the number one for our projects, the children were given various materials but told to only choose one to outline the number. We also used plastic Easter eggs to match dots […]

Tuesday April 11th in the ABC’s

This morning with Miss Cara we read “Barnaby’s Bunny”. We made hatching chicks for our project and discussed the beginning letter of chick. We used our alaphabet clothespin boards and practiced writing the number 1 with the wipe off boards. With Miss Nicole the children ate snack and and used […]

Monday April 10th in the ABC’s

This morning with Miss Cara we introduced number 1. We talked about Easter and Passover. We read “The Bunny of Bluebell Hill”. We discussed the beginning letter of “bunny” and “egg” and reviewed our calendar. We made Easter eggs for our project and used the dot markers to decorate them. […]

Friday, April 7th in Pre-K

We reviewed the letter S today and had  a great time playing tennis with Isabella’s Dad and brother.  We each have a tennis ball in our cubby, thank you Mr. Miller! We made snakes, painted with stamps and sponges and played with silly sand, did S worksheets, made an S […]

Friday April 7th in the ABC’s

This morning with Miss Cara we read “What’s Out There”. We used styrofoam balls to create our own planets, we got to paint and name them! We also enjoyed using the magnets to make space stations and rocket ships. With Miss Abbie the friends traced numbers 1-10 on a rocket […]

Thursday, April 6th in Pre-K

With Miss Jackie we made a giant railroad and did an R worksheet.  With Mrs. Jessica we made colorful pictures with Rainbow scratch art and did 3D puzzles. With Mrs. Susan we made a list of R words, did the calendar, and wrote out a list of r words on […]

Thursday April 6th in the ABC’s

This morning with Miss Cara we reviewed our planets, learned a planet song called “The planets revolve around the sun”, and did a countdown to blast off into space! We read “Splish Splash” a book that says goodbye to winter and welcomes spring! We outlined the letter W with dried […]