Monthly Archives: May 2017

Friday May 12 in the ABC’s

Happy Friday! We had a very busy week getting things ready for Mother’s Day and our friends did such a great job keeping it all a secret! All throughout the week we talked about why we love our mommy and the many different things they do for us. We read […]

Monday May 8th in the ABC’s

This morning with Miss Cara we introduced number 4 and the letter Zz, we finally made it to the end of the alphabet! We read “Mommy Wears High Heels” and “My Little X, Y, Z Book”. We discussed the begging letter and sound that “Mom” makes. We also started working […]

Friday May 5th in the ABC’s

This morning in the ABC’s we celebrated Cinco de Mayo! With Miss Cara we decorated sombreros with dot markers and regular markers and then added pompoms. We We reviewed our calendar, finished our list of Y words and practiced counting to 5 in Spanish. With Miss Abbie the children used […]

Thursday May 4th in the ABC’s

Happy Star Wars Day! May the 4th be with you! This morning with Miss Cara we continued working on our bottle cap collage, we’re almost done! We enjoyed using magnets to build rocket ships and a Star Wars space station. We also used rectangle blocks to make letters with. With […]

Wednesday May 3rd in the ABC’s

This morning with Miss Cara we read “How Do Dinosaurs Say I love You”. We reviewed the proper way to write the letter Yy and number 3. We also began making a list of words that begin with Y and learned the sound the letter Yy makes. We completed a […]

Monday May 1st in the ABC’s

This morning with Miss Cara we introduced letter Yy and number 3. We completed our earth project from Friday that we didn’t get to. We spelled out the word earth using different things from outside. We used soil, rocks, leaves, sticks and flowers. With Miss Abbie the children completed a […]