Daily Archives: September 13, 2017

Lunch Wednesday, September 13th

Sandwich selection including Galli smoked turkey luncheon Meat, peanut butter, Galli farm jelly, cheese (unfortunately Mr. Galli won’t let Mrs. Galli have a pet cow,  so we have to use store bought cheese), whole wheat bread, Terhune apples, oranges, raisins, celery, carrots, cucumber, hummus, strawberry Greek yogurt, and veggie sticks

Pre-K Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Happiest of birthdays to Mia!  Thank you so much for sharing birthday treats with the class. Mrs. Denise’s Class- Mrs. Denise is nearly finished completing assessments.  Children were able to play in groups  while individuals were assessed.  We also read the “A Big Giy Took My Ball” which is an […]