Daily Archives: October 16, 2017

Pre-K October 16, 2017

Mrs. Denise’s Group – We read about Johnny Appleseed today, reviewed out sound/letter cards and began reviewing our birth dates.  At the table, we traced upper and lower case letters A-D and matched the upper with lower case forms.  Students played in stations while others worked with the teacher. Miss […]

Lunch for Monday, October 16th

SUCCESS! We had orzo made with chicken and chicken broth and the children loved it! We had many children ask for seconds and one child said “this is the best food I have ever had in my entire life!” (Okay maybe she was a little over enthusiastic but I will […]

Monday October 16th in the ABC’s

This morning with Miss Cara we introduced the letter Ff and practiced tracing it. We began talking about healthy and unhealthy food. We used food from our kitchen set to guess which is healthy and which is not. During circle time we read “How Do Dinosaurs Eat Their Food”. We […]