Carols By Flashlight
Due to the weather, Camelot Carols By Flashlight is being rescheduled until tomorrow night, Saturday, December 16th from 7:00-8:30. See you then
Due to the weather, Camelot Carols By Flashlight is being rescheduled until tomorrow night, Saturday, December 16th from 7:00-8:30. See you then
Mrs. Denise’s Group – Today we read Jessica’s Box. This is an incredible story about a young girl in a wheelchair that desperately wants to make friends. It turns out that she just needed to be herself and it would happen! We also practiced writing upper and lower case “J” […]
This morning with Miss Cara we reviewed the sound for letter Ll and our list of Ll words. We completed a letter Ll sound and picture identification worksheet. We traced or wrote our names on the back. We used Lincoln logs to make the letter Ll and also practiced writing […]