Wednesday, January 10th in the ABC Class

This morning we had our first gymnastics class with Mrs. Susan! We will have gymnastics every Wednesday. Please make sure to send your child to school in clothes appropriate for gymnastics, no stockings, dresses or constrictive clothing. Gymnastics is the perfect time for the children to practice putting on and taking off their own socks and shoes. Please put your child in shoes that are easy for them to put on, it saves a lot of time. With Miss Cara we reviewed the letter Nn, the sound it makes, and began making a list of words that begin with Nn.  The children also practiced writing the letter Nn on dry erase boards. During circle time we read “The Big Snow” and did a literacy activity. The children were shown pictures and had to use their imaginations to create their own story. With Miss Lauren the children had snack, and played with toys to develop their fine motor skill like making snowmen using play dough.