Monday January 29th in the 123’s

Today in the 123’s we began discussing artic aniamls. Today our focus was on the Penguin! We read a story called “Penguins” and discussed the story as we read! We learned a song called “5 Little Penguins” and worked on holding up 5 then 4, then 3 and so on, fingers as we recited the song. After snack we played a Penguin game with Mrs Asim called “On top of an Iceberg”. Miss Sara had us reviewing shapes as we created a Penguin using an oval and a heart shape in different sizes. When we were finished our project we discussed what we learned about Penguins (they like to play in water, they eat fish and they live where it’s cold). Each child counted 5 fish (goldfish) and got to eat them after.
Friday: Football Friday! Wear your favorite football team shirt/ jersey. (Go Eagles!!)