Pre-K: Monday, February 12, 2018

Mrs. Denise’s Group – Today we read “Mr. Goat’s Valentine”.  The children were asked to figure out who his first love was using the lyrics of his song as a clue.  It was his mother!  A cute story that also taught us a thing or two about the dietary habits of goats!  We then went to the table to work on on rhyming skills.  After some review, we played a rhyming game.  Try to go over some rhyming words at home as you go about your lives!

Miss Abbie’s Group – The students worked on their shapes today!

Miss Erin’s Group – The children had snack and then played in stations.  The new kitchen center is a big hit!  They also experimented with some color mixing cards in another station.

Before lunch, the children made a love craft.  They had to pick for family members or things that they love.  We also had indoor play because the playground was soaked from the unexpected morning rain shower.  We also learned the song, “Uno, dos, tres, amigos”!  We took turns holding number cards that went along with the song.  Some of the students really wanted a challenge, so we sang it backwards too!  Impressive!

There is no homework this week since many children are busy working on their valentines.  It will pick back up next week when we resume our study of the alphabet with the letter “O”.