Monthly Archives: May 2018

Thursday, May 17th in the ABC’s

This morning with Miss Cara we used gems and straws to make the number 5. We also enjoyed reading a couple of different books that were brought in by our friends. With Miss Lauren the children ate snack and made bumblebees for their project. Have a great evening!

Pre-K: Thursday, May 17, 2018

Mrs. Denise’s Group – We reviewed our sound cards, sight words, and read the story “You’re a Grand Old Tree”.  We watered our mini greenhouses and played an initial sound sorting game called Alphabet Soup. Mrs. Susan’s Group – The students tried eating several types of seeds and then created […]

Pre-K: Wednesday, May 16, 2018

We were able to go for a nature walk this morning and then play on the playground for a bit before it rained. Mrs. Denise’s Group – We read “One Small Place in a Tree”.  It was fascinating to learn about all of the life that can stem from a […]

Wednesday, May 16th in the ABC’s

This morning with Miss Cara we practiced counting to and tracing number 5. During circle time we read “Snail Started It!”, and learned a fingerplay called “5 little butterflies”. We also named different bugs and what letter they start with. With Miss Lauren the children ate snack and made snails […]

Monday, May 14th in the ABC’s

This morning with Miss Cara we introduced number 5. We practiced counting to 5 and tracing it. During circle time we read “Fly High, Fly Guy”. With Miss Lauren the children ate snack and made used a sponge and paint to decorate butterflies. With Miss Erin the children enjoyed music […]

Thursday, May 10 in the ABC’s

This morning with Miss Cara we reviewed the letters of the word “mom”. We also practiced tracing the number 4. During circle time we read “Llama Llama Misses Mama”. With Miss Lauren the children ate snack and continued working on their projects. With Miss Erin the children enjoyed playing outside. […]

Pre-K: Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Mrs. Denise’s Group – Today we read “Happy Mother’s Day” by Steven Kroll.  The mother was pampered by her MANY children! Miss Abbie’s Group – The children had snack and then put images in sequential order. Miss Susan’s Group – The children are working on some top secret projects! Rapunzel […]

Pre-K: Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Mrs. Denise’s Group –  Today we talked about the needs of all living things.  We also read the story, “Deep in the Jungle”‘.  The arrogant lion changed his ways after a stint in show business taught him what it was like to have to bow down to others.  He finally […]

Monday, May 7th in the ABC’s

This morning with Miss Cara we introduced number 4 and looked at the different ways 4 can be written. The children also completed a number 4 coloring sheet where they were encouraged to try to stay in the lines, we practiced writing our names on the back. During circle time […]

Pre-K: Friday, May 4, 2018

Mrs. Denise’s Group – We read “Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf” today.  It was about the journey of a tree from seed in a forest, to a nursery, to being purchased by a family to grow old in their yard.  We then used dry erase boards to practice our names and […]