Monthly Archives: May 2018

Pre-K: Thursday, May 3, 2018

Mrs. Denise’s Group – Today we read “If you Give a Mouse a Party” and reviewed the parts of a book.  Then we did all 26 sound cards, but they were all mixed up!  It was so silly!  Finally, we did a review of the letters Y and Z. Miss […]

Thursday, May 3rd in the ABC’s

This morning with Miss Cara we worked one-on-one to complete a number 3, count, color, trace and write worksheet. We reviewed the letters of our name and wrote them on the back. The children also enjoyed playing in kitchen, using the dry erase boards and building with the Lincoln logs. […]

Pre-K: Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Mrs. Denise’s Group –  Today we read the story “Dinosaur Zoom” by Penny Dale.  We worked on our comprehension skills as well as how to use the illustrations to help understand what is going on in a story.  The children were then given the option to select which “Y” handwriting […]

Wednesday, May 2nd in the ABC’s

This morning with Miss Cara we practiced tracing the number 3 and writing our names. During circle time we reviewed calendar, read “How to Catch a Star” and sang the bumblebee song. With Miss Lauren the children ate snack and made the Wonder Woman symbol using red tissue paper and […]

Tuesday, May 1st in the ABC’s

This morning we welcomed our new friend Frankie to our ABC class! Unfortunately Moana was sick so she was unable to come this morning, we hope to reschedule for another day. With Miss Cara we reviewed the number 3 and used gems to outline the number, and then counted out […]