Daily Archives: September 17, 2018

Monday, September 17th in the ABC’s

This morning with Miss Cara we introduced letter “B”. We discussed that the letter B has one straight line and two bumps. We worked one-on-one to practice tracing the letter B and also reviewed the letters of our name and practiced tracing them as well. During circle time we reviewed […]

Monday, September 17 in Pre-K

Mrs. Susan started the Alphabet of the Week with the letter A. She read a funny book about the alphabet to the students. Afterwards, they went over the homework packet process; there are directions for students and parents inside the homework folders, located in each cubby. Mrs. Susan was very proud of how well the class was with […]

Gene Galli

Gene Galli passed away peacefully, in his home, with his family by his side, on Saturday evening. The details concerning the viewing will be posted later today.Gene and Rose Galli founded Camelot in 1969.He will be missed by all who knew and loved him.