Mrs. Susan

Thursday, January 3rd in Pre-K

Miss Ava helped us out today! Mrs. Susan and Mrs. Lanigan’s class worked on writing their names and the date using uppercase and lowercase letters. Each month, we will be working on names, emphasizing lowercase letters. Miss Lauren introduced the class to the new Artist of the Month: Andy Warhol! We talked […]

Wednesday, January 2nd in Pre-K

Welcome back, Pre-K! And Happy New Year! Mrs. Susan and Miss Abbie worked together to help the class trace and write their names, then the class formed their names with wiki sticks. They also worked on decoding locks, which help with their fine motor and problem solving skills. Miss Erin and Miss Lauren conducted […]

Wednesday, December 19th in Pre-K

Santa came to visit the class today, and gave them each their first Christmas gift. The Camelot staff have complied bags for each student to take home. Each bag contains their gift from Santa, an ornament from Camelot, a homemade card for their family, a gift they made for the parents and the gifts they […]

Wednesday, December 12th in Pre-K

Miss Abbie continued to work on currency with the class today. She hid pennies and dimes all over the lunch room and had the class walk around and find them. Miss Erin showed the class “The Nut Cracker” cartoon and worked on some more Christmas songs. Miss Lauren’s class started […]

Mrs. Susan’s class worked on the letter “K” today. They competed a worksheet, in which they colored the letter “K” and a kangaroo, they traced and wrote the letter, and they cut and pasted some “K” words. Mrs. Lanigan’s class continued to work on money today. The students made a […]

Wednesday, December 5th in Pre-K

Miss Erin went over a few more songs about Christmas, such as “Deck the Halls” and “The Twelve Days of Christmas”. She also had the class listen to “The Nutcracker”. Miss Abbie’s class went over the numbers 1-10. They wrote out the numbers and went over counting. Miss Lauren’s class […]