
Monday, January 28th in the ABC’s

This morning with Ms. Cara we introduced letter “P”. We discussed the formation of the letter and practiced tracing it. The children enjoyed playing with puzzles and pattern boards and building with magnets. During circle time we discussed animals that live in cold temperatures, and learned a song called “Polar […]

Friday, January 25th in the ABC’s

This morning with Ms. Cara we discussed the sound for letter O and discussed how O can sometimes make two different sounds. We reviewed our list of words beginning with O and completed a letter O sound recognition worksheet. The children also enjoyed playing with dominoes, building with Lincoln logs […]

Thursday, January 24th in Pre-K

Mrs. Susan lead Gymnastics in the morning for those that were not able to be there yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Lanigan’s class completed a letter “N” worksheet; they had to form the letter at the top, then copy and paste pictures of items that started with the letter “N”. Miss Lauren’s […]

Wednesday, January 23rd in Pre-K

Mrs. Susan and Mrs. Lanigan’s class continued working on the letter “N” and the number “13”. The class practiced “N” in sign language and read a few books that focused on “N”. They also did a number 13 worksheet and read a book about counting by ten. Miss Lauren’s class […]

Wednesday, January 23rd in the ABC’s

This morning with Ms. Cara we began making a list of words that start with letter “O”. We completed a letter “O” octopus coloring sheet and were encouraged to take their time. During circle time we reviewed calendar, read “One Of Each” and reviewed with letter flash cards. The children […]

Tuesday, January 22nd in the ABC’s

This morning with Ms. Cara we introduced letter “O”. The children completed an O tracing worksheet and wrote their names on the back. During circle time we reviewed calendar and read “I Want To Be Somebody New”. With Miss Jenna the children ate snack and did project. Both ABC classes […]