Lunch for Friday, March 8th
Macaroni and cheese, corn, cucumber, peppers, strawberries, apples, oranges and raisins
Macaroni and cheese, corn, cucumber, peppers, strawberries, apples, oranges and raisins
During circle this morning we talked about the fact that every day of the week ends with day in it’s name but every month does not end with the word month in it’s name….Junemonth, Julymonth. We did a worksheet and talked about the letter T with Mrs. Susan and she […]
This morning with Miss Cara we continued adding to our list of words beginning with letter T. We used toothpicks to form letter T and also used the magnet boards to make the letter. The children also used the dry erase boards to practice writing letter Tt both upper and […]
This morning with Ms Cara we discussed the sound for letter T and made a list of words that start with T. We practiced tracing letter T and completed a look and find for T both upper and lowercase. We reviewed the planets in our solar system and learned a […]
In music class we learned about the brass instruments and painted trumpets using puffy paint and shimmer paint. With Mrs. Susan we worked on the letter T. We also played a game, Mrs. Susan would spell words using sign language, we would say the letters as she spelled them and […]
Sandwich selection of Galli turkey, cheese, peanut butter, jelly or any combination, bananas, peaches, raisins, cheese sticks or yogurt, cucumber, carrots, and veggie straws
Mrs. Lanigan and Mr. Diego lead the class in working on the number 19. One worksheet focused on forming the number: color the number 19 and write out 19. The next worksheet was an activity to make 19 dots on a giraffe. On the back of the second worksheet, each […]
Pasta in red or soy butter sauce, bacon, garlic bread, corn, peas, bananas, cheese sticks, and peaches
Today we started our morning off by going outside to play in the snow (if we had our snow gear). We began working on the letter T, did a letter T worksheet and we made cool orange tigers. We discussed Monet, what kind of art he made and that his […]
This morning with Ms. Cara we introduced letter “T”. We discussed the formation for letter T and practiced tracing it. During circle time we talked about space, what we can find in space and named each of the planets. We read “There’s No Place Like Space”, sang twinkle twinkle little […]