
Friday, March 1st in the ABC’s

This morning with Ms. Cara we reviewed our list of words beginning with letter S. We completed a letter S sound recognition worksheet and practiced writing our name. During circle time we read “Green Eggs and Ham” by Dr. Seuss and pointed out the rhyming words in the story. We […]

Thursday, February 28th

Today we worked on the number 18, the letter S and we made a fire breathing dragon after reading Life Doesn’t Frighten Me” Written by Maya Angelou and illustrated by Jean-Michel Basquiat. Don’t forget that we are having our mid-year Halloween party this Saturday from 4-6, sign up

Monday, February 25th in Pre-K

Mrs. Susan’s class went over the letter “S” today; the class learned S in sign language and put together a list of words that start with S. Afterwards, they completed an S worksheet. Just a reminder: during the course of this week, students are encouraged to wear Super Hero gear […]

Thursday, February 21st in the ABC’s

This morning with Ms Cara we started our morning with a silly story called “Pig the Stinker”. We worked one-on-one at identifying letters A-R and then practiced tracing them. During circle time we reviewed calendar, practiced counting to 21, sang the ABC’s and read “Curious George’s ABC’s”. With Mr. Diego […]

Tuesday, February 19th in the ABC’s

This morning with Ms Cara we ate snack and had a short discussion about Presidents Day and read “Splat the Cat for President”. We enjoying doing a letter review by playing letter BINGO! We reviewed calendar and practiced counting to 19. With Miss Erin we had music class and enjoyed […]