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Absences and Illnesses
- In the event your child will be absent from school, please notify us at (609) 737-4120 by 8:30 a.m. on the day of their absence. After an absence, your child should bring a note stating the reason for the absence.
- Please notify us immediately if your child contracts a contagious disease. Children with any contagious diseases should not attend school and a Doctor’s note is required on their return.
- Children must be fever free and have not vomited or had diarrhea for at least twenty-four hours before they return to school.
- We will administer medicine, except cough drops, to students as required. The medicine chart located directly above the sign-in sheet, must be filled in completely and the medication given to the teacher by the parent when the child is signed in. We will not administer medicine unless it is in the manufacturer’s container, with ingredients and possible side effects included. We will comply with the recommended dosage as listed on the label.
- Any reported contagious illnesses would be posted on the front door.
School Closings and Holidays
- In case of inclement weather, please log in to our website at We will also have a message on the answering machine at the school.
- You will receive a listing of all school holidays at the beginning of the year. We will also post a reminder of holiday closings on the front door.
- Please TURN OFF your car when you escort your child into the building. If you plan on spending an extended period of time in the school, please park at the end or side of the street.
- It is very important that you obey all traffic rules and speed limits when driving in the Flower Hill development.
- Children will not be allowed on the playground unless they have the appropriate footwear. Sneakers or sturdy shoes with rubber soles are acceptable; any shoes with open toes, and slippery soles, clog or sandal styles are not appropriate.
School Supplies
- All clothing should be labeled. A spare outfit, including socks, underwear and a complete outfit should be placed in a paper grocery bag marked with your child’s name on the outside.
- Please provide a blanket with your child’s name on it, for their naptime. Blankets, soft toys, pillows etc. should be placed on your child’s cot when they arrive in the morning if they do not remain at the school. As we wash the sheets every week, all children’s blankets are placed on a table in their classroom for them to take home on Fridays.
- During the summer session when the pool is open, please dress your child with their bathing suit under their clothing for their morning swim. Please place a pair of underwear and two towels in a plastic bag, with all items clearly labeled.
- In the summer, hats and sun lotion are encouraged sunglasses are not. In the winter mittens are much easier for the children to put on than gloves. If they bring waterproof outerwear and snow boots they will be allowed to play in the snow.
- Children who arrive at the school prior to 8:30 am may bring in breakfast, milk for their cereal is provided.
- Drop off your child by 8:45 am at the latest. It gives them time to settle in, play with their friends and get comfortable with their surroundings.
- A structured drop off ritual decreases a child’s anxiety and eases adjustment. Routine and consistency is comforting to most children, especially in the morning.
- If you plan on picking your child up early DO NOT LET THEM KNOW! Children do not have a developed concept of time; they will have an unsettled day wondering when you are coming, and why you aren’t there yet.
- Talk to the teachers if you have any questions or concerns, we are here to make your child’s preschool experience as enjoyable and enriching as possible.